موضيل ؤلا شرح د لموضيل مامطرجمش. عافاك عاون ف طّرجامة ديالو.

Use {{closed access}} to indicate that a publication is not available under open access. Use {{open access}} to indicate that a publication is available under open access.

Most closed-access publications are behind a paywall and require a personal or institutional subscription to access their full text. Others, including several studies, require purchase. Still, they can often be read an abstract or summary of a closed-access publication for free, even without a subscription.

When using citation templates, consider using |url-access=subscription instead, or other access parameters provided by the templates themselves.

تخدام بدل

{{Closed access}} works just like {{Open access}}. After a <ref> tag and a citation input as free text, add:

ميتال بدل


Example articles بدل

شوف تا بدل

  • {{Dead link}} to flag dead or unreachable links

موضيل:Link notes